(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Juon, Paul.)
Paul Juon
(6 March 1872 — 21 August 1940)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Павел Фëдорович Юон, Pavel Fëdorovič Juon, Pavel Fedorovich Iuon, Pavel Fyodorovich Yuon, Pawel Fjodorowitsch Juon
Name in Other Languages: パウル・ユオン, Павел Фёдорович Юон, Пауль Юон, پول چون, 保罗·尤翁, פאול יואן, 保羅·猶翁
Aliases: Brahms russe, Павел Юон, Юон, Павел Федорович, Павел Федорович Юон, Юон Павел Федорович, Юон, Павел, Юон Павел Фёдорович, Juon, Pavel Fedorovitch Juon, Pawel Fjodorowitsch Juon, Pavel Fedorovitch Iouon, Pavel Fedorović Juon, Pavel Fedorovich Yuon
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 69143430, LCCN: n87807725, ISNI: 0000000083916671, GND: 117240443, SUDOC: 158067509, BNF: 14403781w, BIBSYS: 4070674, HDS: 020686, MusicBrainz: f886ea9c-b636-4012-a7ea-e0aa8b44adad, NDL: 001323370, NKC: mzk2010578170, ICCU: ATMV002049, BNE: XX1617686, CiNii: DA11635037, IATH: w62k0wrx
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He married composer
Otto Hegner's (1876–1907) widow Armande (1874–1957) in 1912
Brother of Russian artist
Konstantin Yuon (1875–1958).
Pages in category "Juon, Paul/Collections"
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