(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Kayser, Isfrid.)
Isfrid Kayser
(13 March 1712 — 1 March 1771)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Ißfrid, Isfried, Isfrido, Isfridus; Kaiser
Name in Other Languages: イスフリート・カイザー
Aliases: Isfrido Kayser, Isfrido Kaiser, Laurentius Antonius Kayser, Isfrid Kaiser
Authorities - WorldCat, VIAF: 61974199, LCCN: n79027517, ISNI: 0000000055288735, GND: 103812202, BNF: 16541370x, MusicBrainz: 4b47ad01-feab-49a1-8568-38923be9918c, NKC: xx0184391
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Pages in category "Kayser, Isfrid/Collections"
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