(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Kovařovic, Karel.)
Karel Kovařovic
(9 December 1862 — 6 December 1920)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Karel Kovarovic ; Karl Kovaric ; Karl Kowařovitz ; Charles Forgeron ; Charles Maréchal ; Zamrzla ; Charles Forgeron-Marechal ; Josef Heral ; Charles Biset
Name in Other Languages: كاريل كوڤاروڤيك, カレル・コヴァルジョヴィツ, Карел Коваржовиц, Karel Kovarovic, 卡雷爾·科瓦羅維奇
Aliases: Коваржовиц, Карел
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 59272867, LCCN: nr89008604, ISNI: 0000000055147465, GND: 137694938, SUDOC: 200696599, BNF: 13933690x, MusicBrainz: 8dfa11a1-fdb2-4d91-8c1d-b65a142cb4f5, NKC: jk01062527
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Probably not to be confused with Charles Henri Maréchal (whose publications from 1876 could have been from a very young Kovařovic but...)
Pages in category "Kovařovic, Karel/Editor"
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