(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Kummer, Friedrich August.)
Friedrich August Kummer
(5 August 1797 — 22 August 1879)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Fréderic Auguste Kummer
Name in Other Languages: فريدريتش اوجوسانت كومير, Friedrich Kummer, Friedrich August Kummer der Jüngere, フリードリヒ・クンマー, Фридрих Август Куммер
Aliases: Фридрих Куммер, Куммер Фридрих Август, Kummer, Friedrich August
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 66733518, LCCN: no93018764, ISNI: 0000000083903635, GND: 118725343, SUDOC: 177334606, BNF: 14842569r, MusicBrainz: 6f64432a-257e-4fa7-b577-46b23ea55686, NKC: ola2004235624, ICCU: CUBV086633, IATH: w60293p4
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Pages in category "Kummer, Friedrich August/Collaborations"
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