(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Lack, Théodore.)
Théodore Lack
(3 September 1846 — 25 November 1921)
Name in Other Languages: ثيودور لاك, Теодор Лак, Theodore Lack
Aliases: Thaodore Lack, Лак, Теодор
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 49487616, LCCN: no96012372, ISNI: 0000000108995223, GND: 116640367, SUDOC: 126266522, BNF: 14783379d, MusicBrainz: 3f16f651-7127-4228-b389-13ae01782f3f, NLA: 49861803, NKC: mzk2011620223, BNE: XX1309745, CiNii: DA09935220, IATH: w6cp96fv
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Wrote several compositions for the
pyrophone, as primary instrument or accompaniment.
Pages in category "Lack, Théodore/Collections"
The following 9 pages are in this category, out of 9 total.