(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Lehmann, Lilli.)
Lilli Lehmann
(24 November 1848 — 17 May 1929)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Elisabeth Maria Lehmann, Elisabeth Maria Lehmann-Kalisch
Name in Other Languages: ليلي ليمان, ليلى ليمان, לילי להמן, リリー・レーマン, 릴리 레만, Лилли Леман
Aliases: Elisabeth Lehmann, Elisabeth Maria Lehmann, Elisabeth Maria Lehmann-Kalisch
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 5089547, LCCN: n82101441, ISNI: 0000000108652888, GND: 118883933, SUDOC: 245202897, BNF: 135218249, BIBSYS: 3054645, MusicBrainz: e5b29b20-cb2a-441e-883f-c19f5c3d2038, NLA: 53319790, NDL: 00470301, NKC: mzk2005274790, CiNii: DA0436924X, IATH: w6br9htw
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Pages in category "Lehmann, Lilli/Translator"
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