(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Longo, Achille.)
Achille Longo
(28 March 1900 — 28 May 1954)
Name in Other Languages: أشيل لونجو, اشيل لونجو, Achille Longo junior, آکیله لونگو, アキッレ・ロンゴ, Лонго, Акилле (младший)
Aliases: Achille Longo jr.
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 41411958, LCCN: no93025151, ISNI: 000000006162079X, GND: 1154897915, BNF: 16587731d, MusicBrainz: 1d7a80be-1d44-4438-a305-0e0c361e8ad9, NKC: xx0182451, ICCU: LO1V142749
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Pages in category "Longo, Achille/Books"
The following 1 pages are in this category, out of 1 total.