(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Lorrain, Jean.)
Jean Lorrain
(9 August 1855 — 30 June 1906)
Name in Other Languages: جان لورين, Жан Ларэн, Жан Лярэн, Ժան Լորեն, ジャン・ロラン, 장 로랭, Ioannes Lorrain, Жан Лоррен
Aliases: Paul Alexandre Martin Duval, Paul Duval, Поль Дюваль, Дюваль, Поль, Paul-Alexandre-Martin Duval, Daniel de Kerlor, Paul Duyal, Raitif de la Bretonne
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 31999544, LCCN: n50028761, ISNI: 0000000121266201, GND: 118780506, SELIBR: 266435, SUDOC: 026994739, BNF: 11913373t, BIBSYS: 90234516, MusicBrainz: 4e900d90-fa04-4801-a1b7-e29c1adbff73, NLA: 36452909, NDL: 00448046, NKC: jn20031216010, BNE: XX982052, CiNii: DA01009157, IATH: w6bz6sh3
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Pages in category "Lorrain, Jean/Librettist"
The following 8 pages are in this category, out of 8 total.