(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Mangold, Carl Amand.)
Carl Amand Mangold
(8 October 1813 — 4 August 1889)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Carl Ludwig Amand Mangold; Carl Ludwig Amadeus Mangold; Karl
Name in Other Languages: Мангольд, Карл Людвиг Аманд, Karl Armand Mangold, كارل اماند مانجولد, קרל אמנד מנגולד
Aliases: Карл Людвиг Аманд Мангольд, Carl Ludwig Amand Mangold
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 863149108400768780009, LCCN: n95054098, ISNI: 0000000120202433, GND: 116730072, BNF: 14801410r, BIBSYS: 8022540, MusicBrainz: bbdf59ff-ac26-4722-a829-f5a25f59fd1c, NKC: mzk2011647662, BNE: XX1796928, IATH: w6tf08fw
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Grandson of Court music director Georg Mangold (1767–1835). The latter had 5 sons: Georg, August-Daniel, Ludwig, Paul and Karl Friedrich
Brother of
Wilhelm Mangold (1796—1875)
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