(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Mangold, Carl Amand.)
Carl Amand Mangold
(8 October 1813 — 4 August 1889)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Carl Ludwig Amand Mangold; Carl Ludwig Amadeus Mangold; Karl
Name in Other Languages: Мангольд, Карл Людвиг Аманд, Karl Armand Mangold, كارل اماند مانجولد, קרל אמנד מנגולד
Aliases: Карл Людвиг Аманд Мангольд, Carl Ludwig Amand Mangold
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 863149108400768780009, LCCN: n95054098, ISNI: 0000000120202433, GND: 116730072, BNF: 14801410r, BIBSYS: 8022540, MusicBrainz: bbdf59ff-ac26-4722-a829-f5a25f59fd1c, NKC: mzk2011647662, BNE: XX1796928, IATH: w6tf08fw
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Grandson of Court music director Georg Mangold (1767–1835). The latter had 5 sons: Georg (Georg Karl, sometimes published as "Charles"), August-Daniel, Ludwig, Paul and Karl Friedrich
Brother of Wilhelm Mangold (1796–1875).
Nota: Some music by Georg Karl Mangold = Karl Georg Mangold (1812-1887) was published in Britain as by "Ch." or "Charles" Mangold, and might be supposed to be by Carl Amand. The attribution to the former (at several libraries) is probably at least based on the overlapping opus numbers and the fact that the two piano trios, Opp.15 and 16, published in Germany and England by "Ch. Mangold" were published when "C. A. Mangold" was up to his Op.30s in the 1850s.
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