(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Marty, Georges.)
Georges Marty
(16 May 1860 — 11 October 1908)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Georges-Eugène Marty
Name in Other Languages: جورج مارتي, جورج مارتى, Georges-Eugène Marty, ジョルジュ・マルティ, Жорж Марти
Aliases: Georges--Eugène Marty, Марти, Жорж, Giorgio Eugenio Marty
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 39575575, LCCN: n83189982, ISNI: 0000000110574217, GND: 11681182X, SUDOC: 080808808, BNF: 14021503s, MusicBrainz: 939e2e25-f158-48cd-ad92-1334558b2a67, NLA: 66170754, NKC: mzk2011621585, Léonore: LH//1770/62, IATH: w6k08dqh
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Pages in category "Marty, Georges/Editor"
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