(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Massé, Victor.)
Victor Massé
(7 March 1822 — 5 July 1884)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Félix-Marie Massé, Victor Masse
Name in Other Languages: ڤيكتور ماس, Виктор Массе, Victor Masse, Віктор Массе, 维克托·马塞
Aliases: Массе Виктор, Félix Marie Massé, Victor Massa
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 34643879, LCCN: n82123520, ISNI: 0000000108870439, GND: 116835737, SELIBR: 305268, SUDOC: 080200672, BNF: 13897191x, MusicBrainz: 26f40b50-8dac-476b-a1d3-aa38dba26843, NKC: mzk2011621559, Léonore: LH//1777/25, BNE: XX1652083, IATH: w60v8qzq
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Pages in category "Massé, Victor/Dedicatee"
The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.