(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Mauduit, Jacques.)
Jacques Mauduit
(16 September 1557 — 21 August 1627)
Name in Other Languages: چاك ماودويت, ジャック・モーデュイ, Iacobus Mauduit, Жак Модюй
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 14964153, LCCN: no90013045, ISNI: 000000008094444X, GND: 119288176, SUDOC: 112319939, BNF: 139511778, MusicBrainz: 56adb0cc-b028-41ee-870a-b78429233f8a, CiNii: DA12309334, IATH: w6v43685
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Pages in category "Mauduit, Jacques/Collections"
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