(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Mazzocchi, Virgilio.)
Virgilio Mazzocchi
(by 22 July 1597 — 3 October 1646)
Name in Other Languages: فيرجيليو مازوتشى, Virgili Mazzocchi, Virgilio Mazzochi, וירג'יליו מאצוקי, Мадзокки, Вирджилио
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 22336755, LCCN: n82027783, ISNI: 0000000061514938, GND: 123454832, BNF: 13984117r, BIBSYS: 2072286, MusicBrainz: d5d9abc8-841b-494f-85f0-27f1d474e1b4, NKC: jn20040105003, ICCU: MUSV043516, BNE: XX1766171, IATH: w6sb5w4v
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Pages in category "Mazzocchi, Virgilio/Collections"
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