(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Millevoye, Charles.)
Charles Millevoye
(24 December 1782 — 12 August 1816)
Name in Other Languages: Charles Hubert Millevoye, Charles-Hubert Millevoye, Шарль Юбер Милльвуа
Aliases: Millevoye, Charles Hubert
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 71486983, LCCN: nr94016613, ISNI: 0000000121388380, GND: 104273887, SUDOC: 085862673, BNF: 124508680, MusicBrainz: f2effebf-c3fe-4a0d-bec7-def260ba952e, NKC: mzk2012734721, BNE: XX1367598, IATH: w6tq8j8r
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Pages in category "Millevoye, Charles/Librettist"
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