(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Molitor, Franz Simon.)
Franz Simon Molitor
(3 November 1766 — 21 February 1848)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Alois Franz Simon Joseph
Name in Other Languages: Simon Molitor, Simon Franz Molitor, سيمون موليتور
Aliases: Alois Franz Simon Joseph Simon Molitor
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 45221361, LCCN: no2002093783, ISNI: 0000000055416223, GND: 123909260, SUDOC: 165996501, BNF: 16616857v, MusicBrainz: 58ed6739-65e3-4d27-afda-27123a7b790c, NKC: pna2012710958, ICCU: MUSV045294
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- Subject of 1920 (rev. 1930) book by Josef Zuth, Simon Molitor und die Wiener gitarristik (um 1800) (published by Goll, Vienna). Zuth also edited an edition of Op.7, published in 1919.
Pages in category "Molitor, Franz Simon/Collections"
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