(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Montéclair, Michel Pignolet de.)
Michel Pignolet de Montéclair
(4 December 1667 — 22 September 1737)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Michel Pignolet; Michel Pinolet de Monteclair; Monsieur Montéclair
Name in Other Languages: ميتشيل پيجنوليت د مونتيكلاير, ミシェル・ピニョレ・ド・モンテクレール, Мишель Пиноле Монтеклер, Michel Pignolet de Monteclair, 米歇尔·皮纽雷·德·蒙特克莱尔, 米歇爾·皮紐雷·德·蒙特克萊爾
Aliases: Montéclair, Pignolet, Pignolet de Montéclair, モンテクレール, ミシェル・モンテクレール, Michel Pignolet De Monteclair, Michel Pignolet de Montaclair
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 37103128, LCCN: n82155099, ISNI: 0000000121283669, GND: 121852989, SUDOC: 055772102, BNF: 13898489f, MusicBrainz: f4a9ca9c-0a86-4d76-9217-687c6e490fef, NDL: 01153180, NKC: xx0029215, BNE: XX1716235, CiNii: DA05611770, IATH: w6ks9vjz
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Pages in category "Montéclair, Michel Pignolet de/Books"
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