(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Mouret, Jean-Joseph.)
Jean-Joseph Mouret
(11 April 1682 — 22 December 1738)
Name in Other Languages: ジャン=ジョゼフ・ムーレ, ז'אן-ז'וזף מורה, Joan Josèp Moret, ژان-ژوزف موره, چين چوزيف موريت, Jean Mouret
Aliases: Jean Joseph Mouret, J. Mouret, Joseph Mouret, ז'אן ז'וזף מורה, Joan-Josèp Moret
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 42104905, LCCN: n83134294, ISNI: 0000000083764057, GND: 101361742, SUDOC: 035168773, BNF: 14785544s, MusicBrainz: 0b2d03d6-5868-49ed-a841-b8aee954d398, NDL: 01153175, NKC: xx0090363, BNE: XX1041906, CiNii: DA05606431, IATH: w66115gr
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Pages in category "Mouret, Jean-Joseph/Collections"
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