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Kafū Nagai
(3 December 1879 — 30 April 1959)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: 永井 荷風, Nagai Kafū
Name in Other Languages: 永井荷风, 永井荷風, Кафу Нагаи, 나가이 가후, Nagai Kafú, Nagai Kafū, Kafu Nagai, Кафу Нагаі, קאפו נאגאי, Նագաի Կաֆու, Кафуу Нагай, Nagai Kafu, كافو ناجاى
Aliases: Нагаи Кафу, Нагаи, Кафу, Kafû Nagai, Nagaï Kafû, Kafuu Nagai, 나가이 카후, Nagai Kafuu, 永井壯吉, 永井壮吉, 断腸亭主人, 金阜山人, Danchōtei shujin, Kafú Nagai, Sókiči Nagai, Sōkichi Nagai
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 68933376, LCCN: n81048220, ISNI: 0000000109118134, GND: 118952978, SELIBR: 340402, SUDOC: 027043975, BNF: 119173504, BIBSYS: 90763806, NLA: 35371825, NDL: 00049619, NKC: jn20000604134, ICCU: CFIV110750, BNE: XX1451360, CiNii: DA01030470, IATH: w6m458j5
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Pages in category "Nagai, Kafū/Librettist"
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