(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Napoleão, Arthur.)
Arthur Napoleão
(6 March 1843 — 12 March or May 1925)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Arthur Napoleão de Santos, Arthur Napoleão dos Santos, Arthur Napoléon, Artur Napoleão
Name in Other Languages: ارثر ناپولايو دوس سانتوس, Artur Napoleão, Arthur Napoleão dos Santos, Artur Napoleão dos Santos, Arturo dos Santos, アルトゥール・ナポレアン・ドス・サントス, Артур Наполеау, Arthur Napoleao dos Santos
Aliases: Artur Napoleão (dos Santos), Наполеау, Артур
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 24867923, LCCN: n83127010, ISNI: 0000000083655993, GND: 1073481700, BNF: 14834478q, MusicBrainz: ec893901-2f49-44b5-8bf7-b67a044280f6, BNE: XX1343855, IATH: w6sp2b2n
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Pages in category "Napoleão, Arthur/Arranger"
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