(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Nohl, Ludwig.)
Ludwig Nohl
(5 December 1831 — 15 December 1885)
Name in Other Languages: لودفيج نول, Λούντβιχ Νολ, ルートヴィヒ・ノール, 루트비히 놀, Людвиг Ноль
Aliases: Ноль Людвиг, Ludwig Carl Friedrich Nohl, Ludwig Karl Friedrich Nohl, Karl Friedrich Ludwig Nohl
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 67232711, LCCN: n50005559, ISNI: 0000000109114002, GND: 117039926, SELIBR: 213369, SUDOC: 102186537, BNF: 102493788, BIBSYS: 90371669, NDL: 00524813, NKC: kup19980000070703, CiNii: DA01081551, IATH: w6z61hr1
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