(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Orlandini, Giuseppe Maria.)
Giuseppe Maria Orlandini
(4 April 1676 — 24 October 1760)
Name in Other Languages: جيوسيپ ماريا اورلاندينى, Орландини, Джузеппе Мария
Aliases: Джузеппе Мария Орландини
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 118496037, LCCN: n83189412, ISNI: 0000000080506714, GND: 134000358, BNF: 14813005r, BIBSYS: 14005457, MusicBrainz: 90113758-1731-4a7c-8df1-21d6e53acb2d, NKC: mzk2017952423, ICCU: MILV231711, BNE: XX1767856, CiNii: DA14592600, IATH: w6rf5w17
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