(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Ottoboni, Pietro.)
Pietro Ottoboni
(2 July 1667 — 29 February 1740)
Name in Other Languages: بيترو اوتوبونى, פייטרו אוטובוני, ピエトロ・オットボーニ, Petrus Otthobonus, Пьетро Оттобони, 伯多祿·奧托柏尼
Aliases: Petrus Ottoboni, Pietro, Cardinal Ottoboni, Cardinal Pietro Ottoboni, 皮埃特羅·奧托博尼, 伯多祿·奧托博尼, kardinál Otthoboni, オットボーニ枢機卿
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 89065102, LCCN: n82088308, ISNI: 0000000121429410, GND: 100249582, SELIBR: 250443, SUDOC: 08338085X, BNF: 139652829, ULAN: 500323549, MusicBrainz: b90eb199-4d0f-4a5e-9240-98875c072e1a, NKC: xx0222050, ICCU: RLZV011642, RKD: 456329, IATH: w6k9367z
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Pages in category "Ottoboni, Pietro/Librettist"
The following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total.