(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Perez, Davide.)
Davide Perez
(1711 — 30 October 1778)
Name in Other Languages: David Perez, ダヴィデ・ペレス, دافيد بيريز, Давид Перес
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 49488393, LCCN: n88140935, ISNI: 0000000081282898, GND: 101364237, BNF: 14800167n, MusicBrainz: 329541eb-ff9e-43f7-8415-422704d76acd, ICCU: MUSV050813, BNE: XX1395057, IATH: w62j6zcr
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Pages in category "Perez, Davide/Collections"
The following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total.