(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Petrie, George.)
George Petrie
(1 January 1790 — 17 January 1866)
Name in Other Languages: چورچ پيترى (صحفى), ג'ורג' פטרי, ジョージ・ペトリ―, Джордж Петри, A. George Petrie, 喬治·佩特里
Aliases: G. Petrie, Petrie, Petry
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 8564757, LCCN: no92000055, ISNI: 0000000066855993, GND: 133054454, SUDOC: 121990168, BNF: 16408574j, ULAN: 500002322, NLA: 35419581, RKD: 63010, IATH: w6tm78r9
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