(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Pichl, Vaclav.)
Vaclav Pichl
(25 September 1741 — 23 January 1805)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Wenzel, Wenceslas, Wenzeslaus, Václav, Vinceslas; Pichel
Name in Other Languages: Venceslaus Pichl, Václav Pichl, ヴァーツラフ・ピフル, Wenzel Pichl, وينزيل پيتشل, Вацлав Пихль
Aliases: ヴェンツェル・ピヒル, Wenceslao Pichel
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 42036132, LCCN: n81059981, ISNI: 0000000109660994, GND: 128861649, SUDOC: 13029344X, BNF: 13998747h, BIBSYS: 3097762, MusicBrainz: 2ad88758-9b7a-48f5-bc52-10cfdfe8c964, NKC: jk01093026, BNE: XX1639366, IATH: w6j68q9m
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Pages in category "Pichl, Vaclav/Editor"
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