(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Piron, Alexis.)
Alexis Piron
(9 July 1689 — 21 January 1773)
Name in Other Languages: ئەلێکسی پێرۆن, الکسی پیرون, אלכסי פירון, アレクシス・ピロン, ॲलेक्सिस पिरॉन, Алексис Пирон
Aliases: ऍलेक्सिस पिरॉन, अॅलेक्सिस पिरॉन, Пирон, Алексис
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 76321392, LCCN: n82164029, ISNI: 0000000121400431, GND: 118792318, SELIBR: 289859, SUDOC: 027075044, BNF: 11919915r, MusicBrainz: 92189791-fcbd-4f92-a745-b9b5144baa49, NLA: 35064701, NKC: jn19990006579, ICCU: LO1V033450, BNE: XX1401258, IATH: w6p58rq9
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Pages in category "Piron, Alexis/Librettist"
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