(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Prill, Emil.)
Emil Prill
(10 May 1867 — 28 February 1940)
Name in Other Languages: Эмиль Прилль
Aliases: Прилл, Эмиль, Прилль, Эмиль
Authorities - WorldCat, VIAF: 5037693, LCCN: no93025499, ISNI: 0000000108650225, GND: 116290439, SUDOC: 078771005, BNF: 12510262m, NKC: mzk2011620208
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Brother of violinist
Karl Prill (1864-1931), who was leader (concertmaster) of Mahler's opera orchestra in Vienna from 1897, and of cellist-conductor
Paul Prill (1860-1930]
Pages in category "Prill, Emil/Dedicatee"
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