(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Reimann, Heinrich.)
Heinrich Reimann
(12 March 1850 — 24 May 1906)
Name in Other Languages: Henry Reimann, هينريخ ريمان, 하인리히 라이만
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 5195261, LCCN: no93007117, ISNI: 000000010865471X, GND: 116414138, SUDOC: 05702653X, BNF: 148077132, MusicBrainz: 948f41e1-a7a7-4ef6-81ca-1ccdf6a7fac0, NKC: jx20051214015, IATH: w6gb6t8d
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Not to be confused with his contemporary
Hugo Riemann (1849—1919)
Pages in category "Reimann, Heinrich/Collections"
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