(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Reinach, Théodore.)
Théodore Reinach
(3 July 1860 — 28 October 1928)
Name in Other Languages: Теодор Рейнах, תאודור ריינאך, Theodore Reinach, ثيودور ريناتش, テオドール・レイナック
Aliases: Рейнах Теодор, テオドール・ライナッハ
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 34528499, LCCN: n86827980, ISNI: 0000000108565151, GND: 119305887, SUDOC: 03222852X, BNF: 12329980h, BIBSYS: 90740485, NLA: 35447324, NKC: jn19990006923, Léonore: LH//2288/42, CiNii: DA08951221
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