(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Ristori, Giovanni Alberto.)
Giovanni Alberto Ristori
(1692 — 7 February 1753)
Name in Other Languages: جيوفانى البرتو ريستورى, ג'ובאני אלברטו ריסטורי, ジョヴァンニ・リストーリ, Джованни Альберто Ристори
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 15060986, LCCN: nr93038515, ISNI: 0000000083594289, GND: 10424478X, SUDOC: 080601944, BNF: 15072086b, MusicBrainz: 38d61491-c6ad-4478-8700-f4e3e5bcf32f, NKC: mzk20191039318, ICCU: MUSV055610, BNE: XX5116109, CiNii: DA10743883, IATH: w69633nk
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Pages in category "Ristori, Giovanni Alberto/Copyist"
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