(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Romagnesi, Antoine.)
Antoine Romagnesi
(September 1781 — 1850)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Antoine-Joseph-Michel Romagnesi, Henri Romagnesi
Name in Other Languages: انتوين روماجنيسى, Антуан Жозеф Мишель Романьези
Aliases: Романьези Антуан Жозеф Мишель, Antoine Joseph Michel Romagnesi
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 32261250, LCCN: nr95046267, ISNI: 000000011616354X, GND: 128723327, SUDOC: 127347720, BNF: 147938430, MusicBrainz: a0ebb967-4b8b-426e-952c-0c5070baf138, NKC: mzk2010578411, Léonore: LH//2376/3
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Pages in category "Romagnesi, Antoine/Collections"
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