(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Rosé, Arnold.)
Arnold Rosé
(24 October 1863 — 25 August 1946)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Arnold Josef Rosé (Rosenblum)
Name in Other Languages: ارنولد روس, Arnold Josef Rosenblum, Άρνολντ Ροζέ, ארנולד רוזה, アルノルト・ロゼ, 阿诺德·罗斯, 阿諾德·羅斯
Aliases: Arnold Rose, Arnold Joseph Rosé, Arnold Josef Rosé, ロゼー弦楽四重奏団, ロゼ四重奏団, ロゼ弦楽四重奏団, ロゼー四重奏団, ロゼー, アルノルト・ロゼー, Arnold Josef Rose
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 42028060, LCCN: no93030478, ISNI: 0000000120177952, GND: 116608943, SUDOC: 164809198, BNF: 139276226, MusicBrainz: 9335864a-78fa-4029-8bdb-24b176b7d508, NLA: 35461580, NKC: mzk2011645388, CiNii: DA18564163, IATH: w65h7t8q
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