(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Royer, Alphonse.)
Alphonse Royer
(10 September 1803 — 11 April 1875)
Name in Other Languages: الفونس روير, アルフォンス・ロワイエ, Альфонс Руайе
Aliases: Ройе Альфонс, Руайе, Альфонс, Ройе, Альфонс, Альфонс Ройе, Démétrius Caradja
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 22161822, LCCN: n82106900, ISNI: 000000012099803X, GND: 116668733, SELIBR: 320017, SUDOC: 028792556, BNF: 12055491x, BIBSYS: 12064014, MusicBrainz: 49dc31e8-ce47-41ba-a571-3e685d653ea3, NLA: 36091657, NKC: mzk2010593485, Léonore: LH//2419/15, BNE: XX1099738, CiNii: DA04221759, IATH: w6d228bs
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Pages in category "Royer, Alphonse/Translator"
The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.