(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Satter, Gustav.)
Gustav Satter
(b. 12 February 1832)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Gustave Satter
Name in Other Languages: جوستاڤ ساتير, Gustave Satter, ギュスターヴ・サッター, Густав Заттер
Aliases: Заттер, Густав
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 263511955, LCCN: nr98008966, ISNI: 0000000381981682, GND: 116974753, SUDOC: 243199910, ICCU: MUSV075798, BNE: XX1771301, IATH: w6gt66p5
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Born in Vienna or in Rann (Brežice, Slovenia); Johnson cites Rann from a birth certificate. Satter claims Vienna, but Rann seems more likely as Satter frequently made wild claims, such as being a descendant of Napoleon. The death year of 1879 is incorrect, and based on a pamphlet printed in 1879 "In Memoriam" but likely a tongue-in-cheek reference to Satter's poor reception in the south. He was still giving concerts as of 1882, but no record after that.
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