(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Sauveur, Joseph.)
Joseph Sauveur
(24 March 1653 — 9 July 1716)
Name in Other Languages: چوزيف سوفور, ژوزف سوور, ジョゼフ・ソヴール, Жозеф Совёр, Жозеф Совер, 约瑟夫·索弗尔
Aliases: Совёр, Жозеф, Совер, Жозеф, ジョセフ・ソーヴール
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 59205656, LCCN: n87899631, ISNI: 0000000083861551, GND: 11879471X, SUDOC: 114942307, BNF: 126378120, ICCU: BVEV078389, BNE: XX1113805, CiNii: DA12501320, IATH: w6m657gj
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Pages in category "Sauveur, Joseph/Books"
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