(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Scheidler, Christian Gottlieb.)
Christian Gottlieb Scheidler
(26 November 1747 — 15 August 1829)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Johann Christian Gottlieb Scheidler
Name in Other Languages: Christian Gottlieb Schindler
Aliases: Johann Christian Gottlieb Scheidler, Christian G. Scheidler, Johann Christian Gottlieb, Christian Scheidler, Christian Theophil Scheidler, Christian Gottlieb Schneidler, Christian Gottlieb
Authorities - WorldCat, VIAF: 59282279, LCCN: n82145579, ISNI: 0000000055187168, GND: 130610305, SUDOC: 252677021, BNF: 14019751x, BIBSYS: 3070920, MusicBrainz: f697484e-e536-469c-8958-a884a8ba0423, NKC: jo2007265316, BNE: XX5845368
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VIAF gives 1747-1815 and 1752-1829 as dates and may be listing two different composers with similar names? Wikipedia has 1747-1829...
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