(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Schubert, François.)
François Schubert
(22 July 1808 — 2 April 1878)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Franz Schubert, Franz Anton Schubert (jun.); Königliches Sachs.Hofconcertmeister Herrn Franz Schubert, Ritter d.K.S. Albrechts Orden.
Name in Other Languages: فرانسوا شوبرت, Franz Schubert, פרנסואה שוברט, フランソワ・シューベルト, Франсуа Шуберт, Francois Schubert
Aliases: Franz Anton Schubert the Younger, Franz Anton Schubert, Шуберт, Франсуа
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 59273218, LCCN: n83174150, ISNI: 000000008138654X, GND: 103805850, SELIBR: 307842, BNF: 13936104v, MusicBrainz: 9050ea72-a1af-4eaf-840f-949e36a0945b, NKC: mzk2014832223, BNE: XX1517391, CiNii: DA13882037, IATH: w6g16bnf
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