(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Schulhoff, Julius.)
Julius Schulhoff
(22 August 1825 — 15 March 1898)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Jules Schulhoff, Julius Šulhov
Name in Other Languages: چوليوس ستشولهوف, Julius Schulholff, Jules Schulhoff, ユリウス・シュルホフ, Юлиус Шульгоф
Aliases: Шульгоф Юлиус, Schulhoff, Julius Schulhof
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 22341381, LCCN: n88116183, ISNI: 0000000108785859, GND: 117169781, SUDOC: 244049521, BNF: 14801221v, BIBSYS: 14047245, MusicBrainz: 4551f409-fb94-4d38-9c27-7d4fb7674cdd, NLA: 49283772, NKC: mzk2004258748, BNE: XX1421078, CiNii: DA10130454, IATH: w61r7hk6
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