(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Schwab, Gustav.)
Gustav Schwab
(19 June 1792 — 4 November 1850)
Name in Other Languages: Густаў Шваб, Gustave Schwab, Густав Шваб, Gustav Švab, 古斯塔夫·施瓦布, グスターフ・シュヴァープ, Γκούσταβ Σβαμπ, גוסטב שוואב, غوستاف شواب, جوستاف شواب
Aliases: Gustav Benjamin Švab, Gustav Benjamin Schwab, Schwab, Schwab, Gustav, Gustav B. Schwab, Siweibu, Gustavas Švabas, Gesitafu Shuweipu, Gusitafu Shiwabu, Ssu-wei-pu, Gustab Sbamp, 斯威布
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 19797173, LCCN: n80005054, ISNI: 0000000108767669, GND: 118762745, SUDOC: 033784914, BNF: 125733578, BIBSYS: 90114339, MusicBrainz: bf0ca347-ceaf-4ccb-8ef6-de59fb8d5a16, NLA: 36589180, NDL: 00474701, NKC: jn20010316186, ICCU: PARV321463, BNE: XX1435419, CiNii: DA0112584X, IATH: w6jh4656
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Pages in category "Schwab, Gustav/Librettist"
The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.