- À Clichy (Adam, Adolphe)
- À la claire fontaine (St. Pierre, Anthony)
- À Lydie (Holmès, Augusta Mary Anne)
- À une étoile (Diémer, Louis)
- À une femme (Bachlund, Gary)
- 10 Aandelige Sange (Hartmann, Johan Peter Emilius)
- Abendfeier in Venedig (Randhartinger, Benedict)
- Abendgebeth (Kéler, Béla)
- Abendzauber, WAB 57 (Bruckner, Anton)
- Abide with Me (Vogrich, Max)
- Abraham and Isaac, K101 (Stravinsky, Igor)
- Die Abreise (Albert, Eugen d')
- Abscheuliche Tiefe des großen Verderbens, TWV 1:1 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)
- Abschied von der Mutter (Bäcker, F.)
- Absence (Pease, Alfred Humphries)
- Ach Not! Wenn Gottes Hand, TWV 1:30 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)
- The Acharnians (Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings)
- L'Addio (Cirillo, Vincenzo)
- Adieu! (Bourgault-Ducoudray, Louis-Albert)
- Adieu, Op.14 (Liebling, Emil)
- Adon Olom (Dyck, Vladimir)
- Adresse des sterbenden Dichters an die Jugend (Bird, Melvin Clive)
- Advent Magnificat - Tone V (St. Pierre, Anthony)
- Advice to Little Girls (Bachlund, Gary)
- Agnus Dei in A major (Dubois, Théodore)
- Agnus Dei (Cahen, Albert)
- Agnus Dei (Delibes, Léo)
- Agnus Dei (Hahn, Reynaldo)
- Des Ailes en Corolles (Mourey, Colette)
- Aime moi (Bemberg, Herman)
- Aimons toujours! (Hocmelle, Pierre Edmond)
- Airs italiens du XVIII siècle (Viardot, Pauline)
- Alanguissement, Op.5 (Gallet, Luciano)
- Album der Wiener Meister (Various)
- Album for Mandssang, Op.30 (Grieg, Edvard)
- Album for Mandssang (Kjerulf, Halfdan)
- Álfafell (Árni Thorsteinson)
- Alice Brand, Op.76 (Parker, Horatio)
- All that I Ask of You Is Love (Ingraham, Herbert)
- Allah' O' Abha! (Litta, Paolo)
- Alleluia natalizio (Cattaneo, Pietro)
- Alleluja Pasquale, Op.66 (Spada, Luca)
- Allons au vert bocage (Costeley, Guillaume)
- Alsatian Carol, R65 (Moeran, Ernest John)
- Alt Heidelberg, du feine, Op.34 (Jensen, Adolf)
- Altdeutscher Liebesreim, Op.5 (Hartung, Carl)
- 6 Altniederländische Volkslieder (Kremser, Eduard)
- Alyssa, M.38 (Ravel, Maurice)
- Am Meer (Cornelius, Peter)
- Am Neckar am Rhein, Op.89 (Abt, Franz)
- Am Tisch beim kühlen Wein (Bachlund, Gary)
- Am Traunsee, Op.19 (Thieriot, Ferdinand)
- Amarus, JW 3/6 (Janáček, Leoš)
- An Arabesque (Delius, Frederick)
- An einem kühlen Morgen (Strohbach, Siegfried)
- Andreina (Anzoletti, Marco)
- Angels from the Realms of Glory, Schleifer 238 (Gilchrist, William Wallace)
- The Angelus (St. George Tucker, Tui)
- Angla, Op.60 (Hummel, Ferdinand)
- Ani's Papyrus (Saral, Ali Riza)
- Anima Christi, Op.82 (Spada, Luca)
- Annabel Lee, Op.41b (Holbrooke, Joseph)
- Anneau léger (Prestat, Marie Josephine Claire)
- Annie o' the Banks o' Dee (Glover, Stephen Ralph)
- Anthems, Op.95 (Coerne, Louis Adolphe)
- Anthems, Op.261 (Bartlett, Homer Newton)
- Appalachia, RT II/2 (Delius, Frederick)
- Approche toy, jeune roy debonnaire (Costeley, Guillaume)
- Après Fontenoy (Weckerlin, Jean-Baptiste)
- Are You Lonesome (Le Boy, Grace)
- Ariane (Maupéou, Léon de)
- 24 Arias and Cantatas, I-Vc Torr.Ms.B.21 (Various)
- The Art of Venus (Lambert, Edward)
- El artista (Mangiagalli, Carlos)
- Aschenbrödel, Op.45 (Hofmann, Heinrich)
- Ask Now the Beasts (Ludtke, William G.)
- Asunta (Arenal, Gonzalo)
- At the Abbey Gate, Op.177 (Stanford, Charles Villiers)
- Atala (Cécil)
- Athalia, HWV 52 (Handel, George Frideric)
- Attendite et videte (Donella, Valentino)
- Au bon lapin sauté (Villebichot, Auguste de)
- Au milieu des tombeaux (Ferrer, Melcior de)
- Au port (Rey, Étienne)
- Auf Wiedersehen (Bachlund, Gary)
- Der Aufzug der Romanze, Op.18 (Rudorff, Ernst)
- Aurora e Tramonto (Gomes, Carlos)
- Aurora (Peyron, Ika)
- Aus der Zopfzeit (Bachlund, Gary)
- Aus Hafis, Op.11 (Sekles, Bernhard)
- Aus Osten, Op.42 (Franz, Robert)
- Aus Zarathustras Nachtlied (Ehrensperger, Carlos)
- Avadim Hayinu (Kram, Richard)
- Ave Maria after J.S. Bach (Mourey, Colette)
- Ave Maria II (Cortinas, Cesar)
- Ave Maria in E-flat major (Dubois, Théodore)
- Ave Maria, Op.104 (Spada, Luca)
- Ave Maria (Batiste, Edouard)
| A cont.
- Ave Maria (Champagne, Claude)
- Ave Maria (Dett, Robert Nathaniel)
- Ave Maria (Gagnon, Ernest)
- Ave María (Guerra Sardá, Cratilio)
- Ave Maria (Heintz, Charles)
- Ave Maria (Pandolfo, Paolo)
- Ave Maria (Tchouhadjian, Dikran)
- Ave maris stella (Power, Leonel)
- Ave Regina caelorum (Spada, Luca)
- Ave verum corpus, Op.81 (Spada, Luca)
- Avodath Hakodesh, B.68 (Bloch, Ernest)
- La babouche (Ketten, Henry)
- Les bacheliers de Salamanque (Burty, Marc)
- Bagatelle for Mezzo-Soprano, Baritone and Harpsichord, Op.452 (Beatty, Stephen W.)
- Le bal masqué, FP 60 (Poulenc, Francis)
- The Ballad of Carmilhan, Op.10 (Arnott, Archibald Davidson)
- A Ballad of Lorraine (Hammond, William G.)
- Ballad, Op.19 (Netzel, Laura)
- 2 Balladen, Op.12 (Schoenberg, Arnold)
- 2 Ballads, Op.29 (Radecke, Robert)
- Ballad (Rubinstein, Anton)
- Le baptême de Clovis (Dubois, Théodore)
- Barcarola, CG 336 (Gounod, Charles)
- The Bayou (Noren, Rictor)
- Beati Pacifica (Hill, Malcolm)
- Beato lui! (Gomes, Carlos)
- La beauté du diable (Alary, Giulio)
- Before and After Summer, Op.16 (Finzi, Gerald)
- Þekktir hljómar (Sigfús Einarsson)
- La belle dame sans merci, Op.12 (Converse, Frederick Shepherd)
- Benedictus No.5, AWV 80 (Auber, Daniel François Esprit)
- Benedictus (Schwab, François)
- Berliner Mittelstandsbegräbnis (Bachlund, Gary)
- La bestia che io vidi (Donella, Valentino)
- Biblis (Massenet, Jules)
- Bills (Bachlund, Gary)
- The Birth of Christ, Op.66 (Gibbs, Cecil Armstrong)
- 3 Blake Songs (Armstrong, Jared)
- Blondel de Nesle, Op.211 (Raff, Joachim)
- The Boatswain Bold (Lynes, Frank)
- A Bohemian Bacchanal (Pflueger, Carl)
- Bon di Cariselli (Cambert, Robert)
- Le bon gîte (Membrée, Edmond)
- Bon-Bon Suite, Op.68 (Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel)
- Bonifacius, Op.90 (Zöllner, Heinrich)
- La Bonne Permission (Mourey, Colette)
- Boots (Felman, Hazel)
- A Boy's Summer Song (Bachlund, Gary)
- Brewiarz (Rządkowski, Jacek)
- A Bridal March (Pasmore, Henry Bickford)
- The Brigand's Love Song (Petrie, Henry W.)
- A Brown Bird Singing (Wood, Haydn)
- Bruder Liederlich (Strohbach, Siegfried)
- Der Bürger als Edelmann, TrV 228b (Strauss, Richard)
- The Burning Bush (DePue, Wallace)
- By Footpath and Stile, Op.2 (Finzi, Gerald)
- By the Light of the Jungle Moon (Atkinson, J. Caldwell)
- Le cabaret du Sabot d'or (Clairville, Édouard)
- The Cabaret Obsessed Cat (Chakraborty, Utsyo)
- Cædmon's Hymn (Bird, Peter)
- Cadmus (Boero, Leonardo)
- Caecilia Virgo et Martyr, H.415 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)
- Call Me Back, Pal, O' Mine (Dixon, Harold)
- Can You Blame the Women After All? (Bowers, Frederic V.)
- Canción de Dulcinea (Jacinto, Javier)
- Cantades et ariettes françoises (Brunet de Moland)
- Cantata 'We Do Not See' for Voices with Strings, Op.8 (Tripodi, Leandro)
- Cantata Marii Uniri (Cibisescu-Duran, Iulia Narcisa)
- Cantata nel secondo centenario della nascita di Don Nicola Mazza (Donella, Valentino)
- Cantata, Op.36 (Lange-Müller, Peter Erasmus)
- Cantata, Op.37 (Lange-Müller, Peter Erasmus)
- Cantata, Op.71 (Lange-Müller, Peter Erasmus)
- 13 Cantatas, I-MOe Mus. F.1385 (Various)
- Cantatas (Nielsen, Carl)
- Cantate Domino (Soldá, Fábio)
- Cantate ved Universitetets Fest, Op.84 (Hartmann, Johan Peter Emilius)
- Cantate (Van Gèle, Charles)
- Canticle of Brother Sun, for Baritone (Hill, Malcolm)
- Cantico del sol di Francesco d'Assisi, S.4 (Liszt, Franz)
- Canticum Canticorum, Op.120 (Bossi, Marco Enrico)
- Canticum sacrum, K086 (Stravinsky, Igor)
- Cantiga (Souto, Eduardo)
- Cantique spirituel No.3 de Racine (Marchand, Jean-Noël)
- Il canto dei profughi (Anzoletti, Marco)
- Canto di protesta (Donella, Valentino)
- Cantus sacri tribus vocibus aequalibus, Op.66 (Ravanello, Oreste)
- Canzonetta, Op.142 (Cruz, Antonio de la)
- Captive Memories, Op.29 (Nevin, Ethelbert)
- The Captive, Op.25 (Herbert, Victor)
- Caractacus (Read, John Francis Holcombe)
- Carol from a Chester Mystery Play (Dyson, Peter)
- 4 Catalan Songs (Girtain IV, Edgar)
- Catarina and Felinio, Mn.108 (Florczak, Lukas)
- Catawba (St. George Tucker, Tui)
- 6 Celtic Songs (Sumbler, David)
- Ch'io t'abbandono, MWV K 24 (Mendelssohn, Felix)
- Chamber Concerto for Baritone, Op.1320 (Beatty, Stephen W.)
- Chanson d'hiver (Serpette, Gaston)
- Chanson galante (Ravel, Maurice)
- 3 Chansons de fous (Ferroud, Pierre-Octave)