(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Seeger, Alan.)
Alan Seeger
(22 June 1888 — 4 July 1916)
Name in Other Languages: Алан Сигер, アラン・シーガー, 阿蘭·西格, Alanus Seeger, الان سيجير
Aliases: Сигер, Алан
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 59207386, LCCN: n90675074, ISNI: 0000000029420456, GND: 1055194320, SUDOC: 028528972, BNF: 126865270, BIBSYS: 90350480, ICCU: RMLV082527, BNE: XX1436119, CiNii: DA12389639, IATH: w6b27vsx
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Pages in category "Seeger, Alan/Librettist"
The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.