(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Simoni, Renato.)
Renato Simoni
(5 September 1875 — 5 July 1952)
Name in Other Languages: ريناتو سيمونى, Рэната Сімоні, Ռենատո Սիմոնի, レナート・シモーニ, Ренато Симони, Ренато Сімоні
Aliases: Симони, Ренато, Nobilomo Vidal, Turno
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 120698287, LCCN: n82101521, ISNI: 0000000109397241, GND: 119513978, SUDOC: 035789573, BNF: 13336768q, MusicBrainz: da8511d1-7a64-4a97-9656-5394e38fb710, NDL: 00841953, NKC: jn20040102017, ICCU: CFIV032085, BNE: XX911162, CiNii: DA04047990, IATH: w69s23gt
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Pages in category "Simoni, Renato/Librettist"
The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.