(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Sloane, Alfred Baldwin.)
Alfred Baldwin Sloane
(28 August 1872 — 21 February 1925)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: A. Baldwin Sloane
Name in Other Languages: آلفرد اسلون بالدوین, アルフレッド・ボールドウィン・スローン, ألفرد بالدوين سلون, А. Болдуин Слоун
Aliases: A. Baldwin Sloane, A. B.(Alfred Baldwin) Sloane, A. B. Sloane, アルフレッド・ボールドウィン・スロウン
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 54532413, LCCN: n82116291, ISNI: 000000008383780X, BNF: 147911787, MusicBrainz: 61e2954e-3b94-486a-8d3e-c8ea24e504ba, NKC: mzk2010593470, IATH: w65t498g
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Pages in category "Sloane, Alfred Baldwin/Collaborations"
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