(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Soulary, Joséphin.)
Joséphin Soulary
(23 February 1815 — 28 March 1891)
Name in Other Languages: Josephin Soulary, Josephinus Soulary, Josèt Maria Soulary, جوزفين سولارى, Жозефин Сулари
Aliases: Soulary, Сулари, Жозеф-Мари, Жозеф-Мари Сулари, Сулари, Жозефин, Joseph Marie Soulary
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 4095380, LCCN: n90673265, ISNI: 0000000080761459, GND: 122934881, SELIBR: 93317, SUDOC: 033807973, BNF: 13013401z, ULAN: 500173080, Léonore: LH//2539/24, BNE: XX1444557, IATH: w6s34d5q
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Pages in category "Soulary, Joséphin/Librettist"
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