(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Telemann, Georg Michael.)
Georg Michael Telemann
(20 April 1748 — 4 March 1831)
Name in Other Languages: چورچ مايكل تيليمان, ゲオルク・ミヒャエル・テレマン, Georgs Mihaels Tēlemanis, Георг Михаэль Телеманн
Aliases: Telemann, Georg Michael, Телеман, Георг Михаэль
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 76390276, LCCN: n92099038, ISNI: 0000000083953819, GND: 100624944, SUDOC: 160141028, BNF: 12343045g, MusicBrainz: bfbcb80e-b4bf-44ef-ac6a-28a0ca7d6d07, CiNii: DA11722357, IATH: w6863b87
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