(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Widmann, Joseph Viktor.)
Joseph Viktor Widmann
(20 February 1842 — 6 November 1911)
Name in Other Languages: Іозеф Віктар Відман, Joseph Victor Widmann, Josef Viktor Widmann, Йозеф Виктор Видман
Aliases: Joseph Widmann, Видман, Виктор-Иосиф, Видман, Йозеф Виктор, Josef Viktor Widman
Authorities - WorldCat, VIAF: 69156312, LCCN: n81119693, ISNI: 0000000109128092, GND: 118632302, SELIBR: 314698, SUDOC: 085976296, BNF: 144798603, HDS: 012396, MusicBrainz: 51e9ca85-6143-45e8-9bef-9d45dd5f635c, NLA: 35791826, NKC: jn20010316243, ICCU: CUBV074068, CiNii: DA07601756, TLS: Josef_Victor_Widmann
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Pages in category "Widmann, Joseph Viktor/Librettist"
The following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total.