(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Wylie, Elinor.)
Elinor Wylie
(7 September 1885 — 16 December 1928)
Name in Other Languages: 埃莉诺·怀利, 埃莉諾·懷利, الینور وایلی, إلينور وايلي, ელინორ ვაილი, Элинор Уайли, الينور وايلى
Aliases: Elinor Morton Wylie, Elinor Hoyt Martyn
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 59170314, LCCN: n50024584, ISNI: 0000000368554408, GND: 118808060, SUDOC: 033183317, BNF: 12403989x, BIBSYS: 90220964, MusicBrainz: 384f746d-07db-461c-80ff-885dc9df1164, NLA: 35622575, ICCU: SBLV304377, BNE: XX1162780, IATH: w6x34xwk
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Pages in category "Wylie, Elinor/Librettist"
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