(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Young, Rida Johnson.)
Rida Johnson Young
(28 February 1875 — 8 May 1926)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Ida R. Johnson, Rida Johnson
Name in Other Languages: Райда Джонсон Янг, リダ・ジョンソン・ヤング, 里達·約翰遜·楊, 裏達·約翰遜·楊, ریدا جانسون یانگ
Aliases: Rida Johnson, Rida Louise Johnson
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 303064994, LCCN: n85186923, ISNI: 0000000066660619, GND: 1034859439, BNF: 16445733m, BIBSYS: 7060626, MusicBrainz: 8d20e99e-b3e0-41b0-976e-a0a05dfb8695, NLA: 36124195, NKC: xx0258232, ICCU: CFIV210867, BNE: XX6533891, IATH: w6086hm4
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Pages in category "Young, Rida Johnson/Librettist"
The following 13 pages are in this category, out of 13 total.