List of works by Aleksandr Scriabin

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Category:Scriabin, Aleksandr.

A list of works in the composer category that are not included here can be found on this page.
Please consult the manual of style for creating composer work lists.

Works with Opus Number

  1. Etude (C minor)
  2. Prelude (B major)
  3. Impromptu à la Mazur (C major)
  1. Tempo giusto (B Minor)
  2. Allegretto non tanto (F minor)
  3. Allegretto (G Minor)
  4. (E Major)
  5. Doloroso (D minor)
  6. Scherzando (C minor)
  7. Con passione (E Minor)
  8. Con moto (B minor)
  9. (G minor)
  10. (E minor)
  1. Andante (F minor)
  2. Allegretto (A major)
  1. (G minor)
  2. (F major)
  1. Allegro (C major)
  2. A capriccio, con forza (F minor)
  3. Tempestoso (B minor)
  4. Piacevole (B major)
  5. Brioso (E major)
  6. Con grazia (A Major)
  7. Presto tenebroso, agitato (B minor)
  8. Lento (A major)
  9. Alla ballata (G minor)
  10. Allegro (D major)
  11. Andante cantabile (B minor)
  12. Patetico (D minor)
  1. Prélude (C minor)
  2. Nocturne (D major)
  1. (F minor)
  2. (A Major)
  1. Vivace (C major)
  2. Allegretto (A minor)
  3. Vivo (G major)
  4. Lento (E minor)
  5. Andante cantabile (D major)
  6. Allegro (B minor)
  7. Allegro assai (A major)
  8. Allegro agitato (F minor)
  9. Andantino (E major)
  10. Andante (C minor)
  11. Allegro assai (B major)
  12. Andante (G minor)
  13. Lento (G major)
  14. Presto (E minor)
  15. Lento (D major)
  16. Misterioso (B minor)
  17. Allegretto (A major)
  18. Allegro agitato (F minor)
  19. Affettuoso (E major)
  20. Appassionato (C Minor)
  21. Andante (B major)
  22. Lento (G Minor)
  23. Vivo (F Major)
  24. Presto (D Minor)
  1. Presto (F major)
  2. Andante cantabile (B minor)
  1. Maestoso (C major)
  2. Allegro (A minor)
  3. Andante (G major)
  4. Allegro (E minor)
  5. Allegro (D major)
  6. Presto (B minor)
  1. Allegretto (B major)
  2. Andante cantabile (F minor)
  1. Andante (A major)
  2. Vivo (F minor)
  3. Allegro assai (E major)
  4. Andantino (E major)
  5. Andante (C minor)
  1. Andante (B major)
  2. Allegro (G minor)
  3. Andante cantabile (G major)
  4. Lento (E minor)
  5. Allegretto (F major)
  1. Allegretto (D minor)
  2. Presto (E major)
  3. Andante (D major)
  4. Lento (B minor)
  5. Prestissimo (F minor)
  6. Andante doloroso (B major)
  7. Allegro assai (G minor)
  1. Andante (G minor)
  2. Andante (C minor)
  3. Allegretto (B major)
  4. Andantino (B minor)
  1. Prelude [Прелюдия] in E major
  2. Ironies [Ирония] in C major
  3. Nuances [Нюансы]
  4. Etude [Этюд]
  1. Guirlandes [Гирлянды]
  2. Flammes sombres [Тёмное пламя]

Works without Opus Number

Opus WoO Anh Title Forces Key Date Genre Notes
01 Canon pf D minor 1883 Keyboard Published 1928
02 Romance v pf F major 1894 Vocal Published 1924
03 Nocturne pf A major 1884-86 Keyboard Published 1911
04 Scherzo pf E major 1886 Keyboard
05 Scherzo pf A major 1886 Keyboard
06 Sonata-fantaisie pf G minor 1886 Keyboard published 1940
07 Valse pf G minor 1886 Keyboard
08 Valse pf D major 1886 Keyboard Published 1929
09 Variations sur un thème de M-lle Egoroff pf F minor 1887 Keyboard Published 1947
10 Duett 2vv pf D minor 1886 Vocal
12 Fugue pf F minor 1888 Keyboard Also for 2-piano version
13 Fugue pf F minor 1888 Keyboard Also for 2-piano version
14 Mazurka pf B minor 1884 Keyboard
15 Mazurka pf B minor 1889 Keyboard Published 1893
16 Mazurka pf F major 1889 Keyboard Published 1893
17 Feuillet d'album de Monighetti pf A major 1889 Keyboard Published 1947
18 Fantasy 2pf A minor 1889 Keyboard Published 1940. Arrangement of the Fantasy for piano and orchestra in A minor?
19 Sonata pf E minor 1887-89 Keyboard
19 Presto pf E minor 1888-89 Keyboard 3rd movement of the Sonata in E minor. The title Presto was added for the first edition. Published 1947
20 Fugue (a 5) pf E minor 1892 Keyboard Published 1916
21 Romance hn pf A minor 1890 Chamber
08/12bis 22 Etude pf D minor 1894 Keyboard Alternative version of the Etude, Op.8 No.12
23 Variation on a Russian Theme (No.2) 2vn va vc G major 1899 Chamber Collaborative Work with Nikolay Artsybushev, Aleksandr Glazunov, Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov, Anatoly Lyadov, Jāzeps Vītols, Felix Blumenfeld, Victor Ewald, Aleksandr Winkler and Nikolay Sokolov
24 Symphonic Poem in D minor orch D minor 1896 Orchestral
24 Poème symphonique 2pf D minor 1896 Keyboard
25 Feuille d'album pf F major 1905 Keyboard Published 1905?
08 Etude pf D major 1887 Keyboard Fragment
09 Etude pf F major Keyboard Fragment
11 Sonata pf C minor 1887 Keyboard Fragment
13 Valse-Impromptu pf E major 1887 Keyboard Fragment
14 Ballade pf B minor 1887 Keyboard Fragment
16 Piano Piece pf B minor 1887 Keyboard
18 Scherzo str F major 1888 Orchestral Reconstructed in 1987 by Daniel Bosshard on the basis of fragmentary manuscripts held by the Glinka Museum in Moscow
20 Andante str A major 1899 Orchestral Reconstructed in 1987 by Daniel Bosshard on the basis of fragmentary manuscripts held by the Glinka Museum in Moscow
Fantasie A minor 1887-88
Fantasy pf orch A minor 1889 Orchestral
Keistut and Biruta (Кейстут и Бирута) 1891? Stage Opera, unfinished
Mazurka pf C major 1886 Keyboard Published 1893
Mysterium orch 1903-15 Stage (Incomplete) - At the time of his death, Scriabin had sketched 72 pages of a prelude to the Mysterium, entitled Prefatory Action. Alexander Nemtin spent 28 years reforming this sketch into a three-hour-long work, which was eventually recorded.
Symphonic Allegro orch 1898 Orchestral