Magnificats (Lassus, Orlande de)

Sheet Music


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Editor James Erb (1926–2014)
Publisher. Info. Sämtliche Werke, neue Reihe, Band 13-17.
Kassel: Bärenreiter Verlag, 1980, 1986-88. Plate BA 4193, 4195-4198.

This is an urtext/critical/scholarly/scientific edition (or a simple re-engraving). Any commentary or critical apparatus, if protected by copyright, should not be included in the scan(s) available here. This edition was published by Bärenreiter in Germany over 25 years ago and is in the public domain in its country of origin.

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Misc. Notes 600 dpi. Page size is 18.9 x 27 centimeters.
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General Information

Work Title Magnificats
Alternative. Title
Composer Lassus, Orlande de
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. None [force assignment]
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 110 magnificats:
  • Band 13 (BA 4193)
1. Primi toni
2. Secundi toni
3. Tertii toni
4. Quarti toni
5. Quinti toni
6. Sexti toni
7. Septimi toni
8. Octavi toni
9. Primi toni
10. Secundi toni
11. Tertii toni
12. Quarti toni
13. Quinti toni
14. Sexti toni
15. Septimi toni
16. Octavi toni
17. Primi toni
18. Secundi toni
19. Tertii toni
20. Quarti toni
21. Quinti toni
22. Sexti toni
23. Septimi toni
24. Octavi toni
  • Band 14 (BA 4195)
25. Primi toni
26. Secundi toni
27. Tertii toni
28. Quarti toni
29. Quinti toni
30. Sexti toni
31. Septimi toni
32. Octavi toni
33. Primi toni
34. Ancor che col partire [quarti toni]
35. Sexti toni
36. Septimi toni
37. Si par souhait je vous [primi toni]
38. Il est jour [secundi toni]
39. Quanti in mille anni il ciel [secundi toni]
40. Dessus le marché d’Arras [primi toni]
41. Susanne un jour [primi toni]
42. Deus in adjutorium meum intende [septimi (?peregrini) toni]
43. Ecco ch’io lasso il core [secundi toni]
44. Omnis enim homo [primi toni]
45. Amor ecco colei [septimi toni]
46. Quando lieta sperai [quarti toni]
47. Aria di un sonetto [octavi toni]
48. Mort et fortune [tertii et octavi toni]
49. Mais qui pourroit [secundi toni]
  • Band 15 (BA 4196)
50. O s’io potessi [secundi toni]
51. Secundi toni
52. Quarti toni (i)
53. Sexti toni (i)
54. Sexti toni (ii)
55. Septimi toni (i)
56. Octavi toni (i)
57. Las je n’iray plus [secundi toni]
58. Ultimi miei sospiri [secundi toni]
59. Tant vous allez doux [sexti toni]
60. Hélas j’ai sans merci [septimi toni]
61. S’io esca vivo [septimi toni]
62. Octavi toni
63. Quarti toni
64. Septimi toni
65. Octavi toni (i)
66. Omnis homo primum bonum vinum ponit [?sexti toni]
67. Sexti toni
68. Dies est lætitia [sexti toni]
69. Benedicta es, cælorum regina [octavi toni]
70. Præter rerum seriem [secundi toni]
  • Band 16 (BA 4197)
71. Primi toni (Octo tonorum (ii))
72. Secundi toni (Octo tonorum (ii))
73. Tertii toni (Octo tonorum (ii))
74. Quarti toni (Octo tonorum (ii))
75. Quinti toni (Octo tonorum (ii))
76. Sexti toni (Octo tonorum (ii))
77. Septimi toni (Octo tonorum (ii))
78. Octavi toni (Octo tonorum (ii))
79. Primi toni (i)
80. Vergine bella [primi toni]
81. Dalle belle contrade [sexti toni]
82. Recordare Jesu pie [septimi toni]
83. Margot labouréz les vignes [septimi toni]
84. Alma real se come fide stella [octavi toni]
85. O che vezzosa aurora [secundi toni]
86. D’ogni gratia e d’amor [septimi toni]
87. Perpulchrum septimi toni
88. S’io credessi per morte [tertii toni]
89. Beau le cristal [sexti toni]
90. Pange lingua gloriosi [septimi toni]
91. Primi toni (ii)
92. Vous perdez temps [septimi toni]
  • Band 17 (BA 4198)
93. Vola vola pensier (Aeria a la italiana) [octavi toni]
94. Quinti toni
95. Octavi toni (i)
96. Quarti toni (ii)
97. Erano capei d’oro [septimi toni]
98. Secundi toni
99. Si vous estes m’amie [sexti toni]
100. Memor esto [secundi toni]
101. Aurora lucis rutilat [octavi toni]
102. Septimi toni
103. Primi toni (doubtful)
104. Secundi toni (doubtful)
105. Tertii toni (doubtful)
106. Quarti toni (doubtful)
107. Quinti toni (doubtful)
108. Sexti toni (doubtful)
109. Septimi toni (doubtful)
110. Octavi toni (doubtful)
Year/Date of CompositionY/D of Comp. 1567-94 ca.
First Publication. 1980, 1986-88 from the Sämtliche Werke, Neue Reihe (Nos.1-110)
Librettist Various
Language Latin
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Renaissance
Piece Style Renaissance
Instrumentation 4-8, 10 voices